A while back, Graeme Phillips put up a blog post asking “what happens if you replace all the sine waves in the fourier transform with triangle waves?” It’s a good post and you should go read it, but there were a couple aspects Graeme didn’t address that have been sticking in my head.

Let’s start by defining the basic triangular sine wave:

def sbasis(x):
    if (x<-1) or (x>1):
        return 0
    if x < 0:
        return -sbasis(-x)
    if x <= 0.5:
        return 2*x
        return sbasis(1-x)

I’m not going to plot this, but it’s got roots at x=-1, 0, 1, a minimum at x=-0.5 and a maximum at x=0.5. Just like \(\sin(\pi x)\)!

Then it’s easy to get triangular sine waves of all (positive integral) degrees:

def tsin(n, x):
    rc = (x*n) % 2
    if rc>1:
        rc -= 2
    return sbasis(rc)

Triangular cosine works the same way:

def cbasis(x):
    if (x<-1) or (x>1):
        return 0
    if x<0:
        return cbasis(-x)
    return 1-2*x

def tcos(n, x):
    rc = (x*n) % 2
    if rc>1:
        rc -= 2
    return cbasis(rc)

And then the complex triangular exponential function in the obvious way:

def texp(n, x):
    return tcos(n,x)+1j*tsin(n,x)

These are not orthonormal under the usual inner product:

\[IP(n,m) = (texp(n),texp(n)) = \int_{-1}^1 texp(n,x) conj(texp(n,x)) dx\]

as \(IP(0,0) = 2\), and \(IP(n,n) = 4/3\) for \(n \ge 1\). They’re not even orthogonal, as for example \(IP(1,5) = 4/75\).

But here’s where I started to get interested. Looking at \(IP(n,p)\) for \(n=1\) and \(p\ge 1\), one gets:

n p IP(1,p)
1 1 4/3
1 2 0
1 3 0
1 4 0
1 5 4/75
1 6 0
1 7 0
1 8 0
1 9 4/243
1 10 0
1 11 0
1 12 0
1 13 4/507
1 14 0

And so on. I certainly wasn’t expecting that! All the non-zero terms are of the form \(\frac{4}{3q}\), and furthermore :

p q
1 1
5 25
9 81
13 169
17 289
21 441
25 625
29 841
33 1089

Which is a nice friendly sequence of offense towards none.

For n=2 it’s a little messier:

n p q
2 2 1
2 10 25
2 18 81
2 26 169
2 34 289
2 42 441
2 50 625

Here the non-zero values are at a stride of 8, instead of 4, and we have q=(p/2)**2.

Let’s try n=3.

n p q \(\sqrt{q}\)
3 3 1 1
3 7 441 21
3 11 1089 33
3 15 25 5
3 19 3249 57
3 23 4761 69
3 27 81 9
3 31 8649 93

What is up with that IP(3,15)? Going by the surrounding values, shouldn’t it have sqrt(q)=45? And IP(3,3) doesn’t match up either, nor does IP(3,27). We’re back on a stride of 4 however,

It’s looking as if when n divides p, we have \(q=(p/n)^2\), and when it doesn’t we have \(q=(pn)^2.\)

This is consistent with the previous cases, sort of. When n=1, we’re always in the \(q=(p/n)^2 = p^2\) case! And when n=2, since p=8i+2 we’re again seeing \(q=(p/n)^2\).

Going to n=4, the plot thickens;

n p q
4 4 1
4 20 25
4 36 81
4 52 169
4 68 289
4 84 441
4 100 625

Now we’re on a stride of 16!

Moving forward, n=5 does the same thing as n=3:

n p q
5 5 1
5 9 2025
5 13 4225
5 17 7225
5 21 11025
5 25 25
5 29 21025
5 33 27225

as does n=7.

How about n=6?

n p q
6 6 1
6 14 441
6 22 1089
6 30 25
6 38 3249
6 46 4761
6 54 81
6 62 8649
6 70 11025
6 78 169
6 86 16641
6 94 19981
6 102 289

This is the same as the n=3 sequence except that we’re on a stride of 8 instead of 4.

In other words, n=6 is to n=3 as n=2 is to n=1 (or n=4 to n=2). That means n=12 should be the n=3 sequence except on a stride of 16, and that’s what we find:

n p q
12 12 1
12 28 441
12 44 1089
12 60 25
12 76 3249
12 92 4761
12 108 81
12 124 8649
12 140 11025
12 156 169
12 172 16641
12 188 19881
12 204 289

Similarly, n=10 is the n=5 sequence on a stride of 8.

How about n=9?

n p q
9 9 1
9 13 13689
9 17 23409
9 21 441
9 25 50625
9 29 68121
9 33 1089
9 37 110889
9 41 136161
9 45 25
9 49 194481
9 53 227529
9 57 3249

We’re on a stride of 4, and whenever gcd(9,p) > 1 we have the n=3 sequence appearing. This suggests tha the “n divides p” rule above needs to be modified.

But before that, and testing with n=15:

n p q \(\gcd(n,p)\)
15 15 1 15
15 19 81225 1
15 23 119025 1
15 27 2025 3
15 31 216225 1
15 35 441 5
15 39 4225 3
15 43 416025 1
15 47 497025 1
15 51 7225 3
15 55 1089 5
15 59 783225 1
15 63 11025 3
15 67 1010025 1
15 71 1134225 1
15 75 25 15
15 79 1404225 1
15 83 1550025 1
15 87 21025 3
15 91 1863225 1
15 95 3249 5

Here we’ve got some trouble. The rule needs to be modified again to \(q = \left(\frac{n}{\gcd(n,p)}\right)^2\left(\frac{p}{\gcd(n,p)}\right)^2\).

But the fun part is that this subsumes the two-part rule! (Since \(\gcd(n,p) = 1\) when n doesn’t divide p, this reduces to \(q=(np)^2\).)

In summary, letting \(n=2^tm\),

\[IP(n,p) = \begin{cases} \left(\frac{n}{\gcd(n,p)}\right)^2\left(\frac{p}{\gcd(n,p)}\right)^2 & p \equiv n \mod 2^{t+2} \\ 0 & e.w. \end{cases}\]

The end! No moral!