So I’ve been hearing about theorem provers in general, and lean + mathlib in particular, for a while now, and I thought ‘hey, let’s try it out.’

(I should say that by mathlib I mean the good people of the Lean Prover Community, and also that I got some help with syntax for this code from Adam Topaz in their Zulip channel, for which I am grateful.)

One of the main things they have for getting started is something called the Natural Number Game and, more interestingly, the Complex Number Game.

I starting thinking that doing quaternions might be fun, but some googling showed that there’s already a PR out there for quaternion algebras and it looked a little complicated, so I decided to fall back to dual numbers and split-complex numbers.

These are of course variants of the complex numbers \(a+bi\) where instead of \(i^2 = -1\) we have \(i^2 = 0\) (dual numbers) or \(i^2 = 1\) (split complex). If we’re doing two we might as well do them all, and while we’re at it handle arbitrary base rings (as long as they commute).

The plan will be to define the numbers, prove some properties, and establish that they’re both a ring and an algebra.

So here we go :

import data.real.basic
import tactic.simps 
import algebra.algebra.basic 

structure dual_algebra (R : Type*)[comm_ring R] (jj: R) :=
mk {} :: (re : R) (im : R)
notation `DUAL[` R`,` jj`]` := dual_algebra R jj 

This imports some basic functionality and defines the basic structure we’ll be working with. The notation is just for convenience, and we’ll be using it a lot.

EDIT : I’m no longer convinced this bit actually works.

Here’s a couple of specializations we won’t be using:

-- please disregard for now.
--def split_complex (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] := dual_algebra R (1)
--def dual_number (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] := dual_algebra R (0)
--def duals := dual_algebra ℝ (0)
--def splits := dual_algebra ℝ (1)

The latter two specialize over the reals, which is why R doesn’t have to be part of the signature. This is just plain old partial application and it works like you’d think:

-- def iduals := dual_number ℤ --disregard

Now for some proofs. Go into the namespace and set up some common variables:

namespace dual_algebra
variables {R:Type*} [comm_ring R] (x y jj : R) 

And prove some coercions:

instance : has_coe R DUAL[R,jj] := ⟨λ x, ⟨x, 0⟩⟩
instance : has_coe_t R (DUAL[R,jj]) := ⟨λ x, ⟨x, 0⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_re : (x : DUAL[R,jj]).re = x := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_im : (x : DUAL[R,jj]).im = 0 := rfl

lemma coe_injective : function.injective (coe : R → DUAL[R,jj]) :=
λ x y h, congr_arg re h

I think the instance is like an interface. has_coe looks like:

class has_coe (a : Sort u) (b : Sort v) := (coe : a → b)

and in this context it becomes:

has_coe : Sort u_2 → Sort u_3 → Sort (max 1 (imax u_2 u_3))

The @[simp] decoration adds coe_re and coe_im to the repository of simplifications lean knows about, so now it’ll be able to coerce things in the base ring to things in DUAL[R,jj] as needed.

Fill out some more instances:

@[simps {short_name:= tt}] def ε : DUAL[R,jj]:= ⟨0, 1⟩
@[simps {short_name:= tt}] instance : has_one DUAL[R, jj] := ⟨⟨1, 0⟩⟩ 
@[simps {short_name:= tt}] instance : has_zero DUAL[R, jj] := ⟨⟨0, 0⟩⟩ 
@[simps {short_name:= tt}] instance : has_add DUAL[R,jj] := ⟨λ z w, ⟨ +, +⟩⟩
@[simps {short_name:= tt}] instance : has_neg DUAL[R,jj] := ⟨λ z, ⟨,⟩⟩
@[simps {short_name:= tt}] instance : has_mul DUAL[R,jj] := ⟨λ z w, ⟨ * + jj * *, * + *⟩⟩

The {short_name: tt} attribute adds additional definitions for each field. For example, there’s now a has_mul_re with type

has_mul_re : ∀ (jj : ?M_1) (z w : DUAL[?M_1,jj]), 
    (z * w).re = * + jj * *

I don’t know the difference between @[simp] and @[simps].

And now we’re ready to prove that DUAL[R,jj] is a commutative ring:

instance : comm_ring DUAL[R,jj] :=
by refine { zero := 0, add := (+), neg := has_neg.neg, 
            one := 1, mul := (*), ..};
{ intros, ext; simp; ring }

We use all those instances as arguments in a constructor, and the only thing that actually gets proved in that block is the additivity of association.

I don’t know if there’s an instance for that which we could have asserted or proven so as to avoid proving it here.

Now for algebras. I’ll admit I’m getting out of my depth here lean-wise, but let’s keep going.

I have to prove some extensionality theorems that say two DUAL[R,jj] are equal iff their component parts are equal:

theorem pext { z w : DUAL[R,jj]} (hre : = (him : = : z=w :=
  cases z with zr zi,
  cases w with wr wi,

theorem rext { z w : DUAL[R,jj]} (hyp : z = w) : ( = ∧( = := 
  cases z with zr zi,
  cases w with wr wi,

I think that if I hadn’t abstracted over jj I wouldn’t need this and could just have used the @[ext] attribute in the original definition.

Now some more lemmas about moving from R to DUAL[R,jj]. Some of these only got proven with trial-and-error:

@[simp] lemma incl_one : ((1 : R) : DUAL[R,jj]) = 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma incl_zero : ((0 : R) : DUAL[R,jj]) = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma incl_add (r s : R) : ((r + s : R) : DUAL[R,jj]) = r + s := 
  ext, refl, simp

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_one : ((1 : R) : DUAL[R,jj]) = 1 := rfl

@[simp] lemma incl_neg (r : R) : ((-r : R) : DUAL[R,jj]) = -r := 
  ext, refl, simp

@[simp] lemma incl_mul (jj r s : R) : ((r * s : R) : DUAL[R,jj]) = r * s := 
  ext, simp, simp

Both simps are necessary in incl_mul.

I’m going to guess that incl_add, incl_neg, and incl_mul need the extra work because of the jj issue, as it’s needed to instantiate this homomorphism (the →+*):

def incl : R →+* DUAL[R,jj] := ⟨coe, coe_one jj, 
incl_mul jj, incl_zero jj, incl_add jj ⟩

And finally we have that DUAL[R,jj] is an algebra over R:

instance : algebra R DUAL[R,jj]  := ring_hom.to_algebra (incl _)

We can make another homomorphism:

def conj : DUAL[R,jj] →+* DUAL[R,jj] :=
  refine_struct { to_fun := λ z : DUAL[R,jj], 
  (⟨,⟩ : DUAL[R,jj]), .. };
  { intros, ext; simp [add_comm], },

And could have done

instance : algebra DUAL[R,jj] DUAL[R,jj]  := ring_hom.to_algebra (conj _)

but this fails as we’ve already instantiated dual_algebra as an algebra.

This is about as far as I’ve gotten, next steps include proving conj is an automorphism and some fun facts about norms.

I’m not totally happy with this code, it’s fragile in that it’s easy to fall into infinite loops, there’s too much use of simp, and way too much of it is magic to me, but it was fun to write and I think I’ll continue.